Glass Skin Exosome Facials

Sale price $395.00 Regular price $550.00

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Glass Skin Exosome Facial 

Includes :

• Topical Numbing

• SkinPen MicroNeedling

• Topical Exosome Application 

•LED therapy for deeper penetration and redness reduction 



What it does :

  • Stimulates collagen remodeling and initiates neocollagenesis
  • Safely treats all skin types 
  • Gentle, fast and non-invasive
  • Little-to-no downtime (slight redness , possible dryness / flaking 3 days post treatment )

What are Exosomes?

They’re like packages that move between cells and tell them to create collagen and other proteins to support skin rejuvenation. Aids in achieving glowing glass skin. 

What is an Exosome Glass Skin Facial?

An exosome facial is a potent, powerful serum applied to your skin that sends instructions to your cells to regenerate and repair themselves to create glowing glass skin. 

The Exosome Facial is part of the newest term in modern aesthetics known as regenerative medicine.


How is the Exosome Facial applied?

The Exosome is to be applied post an advanced laser or MicroNeedling treatment like Skinpen MicroNeedling or Fotona Laser MicroPeel. These treatments create microchannels in the skin that allow for better penetration of the exosomes product into the lower skin layers.

Our Red or Blue LED Light therapy device is then placed over the face + neck to further help with the absorption of exosomes and minimize redness. 

TNS Recovery Serum can also be purchased and continued at home. Treatments are especially effective when the serum is added to your home care routine.

Schedule a Consultation or Treatment

For more information  
Email : info@dermessentials.ca 
CALL : 250-339-6771
TEXT : 250-218-8840